Saturday, September 17, 2011

I've been a bad Mom.............

So it's been forever since I have updated anything on here........Ok so the last post was that you turned 2. You had an awesome birthday. You ate cake, jumped in the jumper, played with friends and tried to visit with family. After your birthday we went in to "get ready for baby mode". You are such a big helper and helped Mommy put brother's crib together and paint the stars for his room. You have stopped sleeping through the night in your bed and have come in to Mommy and Daddy's bed at about 2:00am every day.

You made friends with the kids across the street. Cohen is your buddy and you guys play rough and tough and "Pretty" is your girlfriend. You play more with her then with Cohen.

You talk so much now that it's amazing to be able to hold a conversation with you. It seems as though everything is a new experience and you can't wait to tell people about it.

In September, your brother arrived. I got a shirt made for you and you love it because it has Chuggington on it. You stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's house while Mommy and Daddy were at the hospital with your brother. They brought you to visit us and you could care less about your brother, all you wanted was my juice and a sucker. The funny thing is, is that explains you to the T. You could care less about what's going on around you, as long as you have what you want, then you are ok.

Now that brother is home, your life has changed a great went from being the center of attention to having to share the lime light. You are a big helper with baby but at the same time, don't really even notice that he's here. The only time it impacts you is when he's getting the majority of the attention and you are needing some. You tried to suffocate him with a pillow once and you tried to bounce him out of the vibrating seat. Both acts, I feel, weren't done to harm him but just to play. Everyone has really tried to spend some one on one time with you to make the transition easier and you are loving every minute of it.

We go to the park and go on walks a lot. You are so energetic that I have to find ways to help you burn off the energy. When you're at the park, you climb like a monkey and do pull ups on anything that stays still. You've started walking Kila on the leash. It's a fun and new responsibility that you are enjoying but I can't say the same with Kila.

You are also climbing on things at home and at Grandma/Grandpa's house. When I am nursing the baby, you take that opportunity to become mischievous. I turned around one day and you were climbing up the drawers to get on the counter top and getting in to the block of knives. You did the same at Grandma/Grandpa's house. You got all of the knives out of their block and laid them in a line on the kitchen mat. That about sums you up! You take every free moment to evaluate the situation and see what else you can get in to.

So since I am so far behind, I'm going to catch up slowly and do individual posts from now on. Sorry I have lagged on this but needless to say, it's been busy. I love you very much and can't wait for you to read this one day and be able to follow it along with your scrap books.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wow Doodlebug you're turning 2 tomorrow......

How bittersweet this feeling is. Just yesterday I was in the hospital scared out of my mind and worried that you would be ok being that you decided to arrive 6 weeks early. Now you are turning 2 years old. You are Mommy's little man. I love and dislike the independence you exhibit and the perseverance you demonstrate on a daily basis. We butt head like never before. I understand you are testing the waters and showing Mommy that this is the way you would like to do it but there are times when I really wish you would just take it from me and do as I say. On the flip side of that coin, I love to sit back and watch you go through these trials and tribulations. You have shown me that you can do things on your own, you'll be ok even if you do get hurt, and things don't always have to be done Mommy's way.
You are putting sentences together like never before! You amaze me almost every time you open your mouth because it's always something new and off of the wall. I still need to translate for you to certain people, but for the most part......people get it.
You are starting to dig this whole baby thing. You tall me "baby in here too" and point to my belly button, you try and feed your breakfast to the baby through my belly button and now you've started to kiss my belly and give the baby snuggles. I doubt this will continue when the crying, whining, pooping, eating machine we call Derek gets here, but for now it's adorable.
We are having a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse birthday party for you this weekend and your friends from across the street are coming by as well as other friends and family. I've decided to rent you a jumper, I thought I would get you tuckered out as well as make it fun for you. I love you Doodie......Mommy's sweet/devilish baby boy.

Friday, May 28, 2010

It's time to catch up............

Since my last post so many things have changed. We have purchased a new home so our growing family has a comfortable, safe place to grow. My belly is growing daily and the newest addition is quite happy taking up residence in his new home until he's ready to join the world. Jacob's vocabulary is so extensive now. He is thriving daily and turning in to a little man.

The house: It's a beautiful 2 story home in Canyon Hills. We have 2 parks, a clubhouse with pool, elementary and junior high school within 5 minutes walking from our front door. We have made vast improvements in the short time we have lived there. The interior of the house was just painted and now it's time to hang pictures up and make it our HOME. We can't wait to bring baby Derek home to his new house and Jacob and Kila are loving having the extra space and the front/back yard to play in. We are all enjoying our daily walks to the park. It's been a life blessing to get this house.

My belly/Baby Derek: There are already subtle differences between Jacob and Derek. During Jacob's 18 week ultrasound he was very active and was a "show off" sucking his thumb and waving hello. During Derek's ultrasound, the was shy and was turned towards my back and then flipped facing my front. Very uncooperative. It took two session to get a facial shot. I was POSITIVE he was going to be a girl. The two pregnancies were polar opposites. Jacob was a breeze and I was able to work with no problems but with Derek, I was tired, sluggish, sick, etc. We are so blessed to be adding another baby to our family. He is kicking like crazy and enjoying living in his mommy's belly. Since Jacob came 6 weeks early, the doctors have decided to watch me starting at 32 weeks to make sure Derek doesn't come too early but will most likely come early as well. At least we can prepare this time.

Jacob: Ohhhhh Jacob. He's enjoying his terrible 2's. He likes being able to make his own decisions and be able to tell me what he wants and doesn't want. At times it's tough because the things he wants may be dangerous and may cause him to get in to trouble but he needs to learn that his decisions have consequences. I don't let him get hurt but we explore both sides of the decision making process. He loves to tell people "no" even if it's supposed to be yes. I guess he just likes the word. He is at the stage where he pretends he doesn't hear me so he doesn't have to do what I say or he will look at me to let me know he heard me but do the EXACT opposite of what I have asked him to do. I love that he is becoming an individual but man it's tough at times to be patient. His vocabulary alone has expanded. Here are the following words: Mama, Dada, Kata (Kila), Mama (Grandma), Papa (Grandpa), soap, choo choo, berries, toast, fruit snack, milk, juice (water), flower, sand, shovel, bubbles, no, yes, can count to 11 (skipping 1), down, up, dog, ball, truck, track, pooh, piglet, owl, tigger, rabbit, tigger, mickey mouse, donal duck, pupo (pluto), goofy, buster, qad (quad), wok (work), hot dog, cheese, chicken, fan, please, thank you, ur welcome, toes, arm, face, hair, ear, nose, cheek, neck, leg, eyes, chin, boo boo, monkey. That's all I can think of at the moment. He has learned to tell between his left and right side. Since we found out we were pregnant, I have stopped breast feeding Jacob and we were really working on getting him to go to bed without the rocking and shh-ing; but now as I get bigger he's wanted to be snuggled and rocked. We read books and I rock while I read and he usually passes out before I finish reading. We talk to him about the baby and he knows there's a baby in mommy's tummy but we know he's going to have a hard time sharing his time with his lil brother. He is making new friends at the house and at the new park. He shares even when other kids don't want to share. I'm amazed daily at what a gentleman he's become. He is shaking people's hands and telling them "nice to meet you". It melts my heart.

Well that's been a general recap of the latest events. I hope to keep up on our blog.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Pee Pee in the Potty!

I feel ashamed for not posting this glorious moment earlier but On February 5th Jacob and I went to Babies R Us and he picked out his potty. That night, we tried it out. It took some time and patience but he went. Someone gave us the tip to put dots of lotion on his knees so it keeps him occupied and concentrating on something other than peeing. It worked like a charm. I made a HUGE deal out of it and gave him a few M&M's. He has repeated the pee pee in the potty a few times. He lets me know when he wants lotion on his legs and I know that means he wants to go potty. We haven't had a poop yet but I am content with the pee. He's becoming such a big boy and I am so proud of the strides he has made. He talks up a storm and repeats everything you say. We just couldn't be prouder of the little grown boy he has turned in to.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weaning is complete!

I started weaning Jacob from breastfeeding on Friday night. He has not had any breast milk since Saturday morning. I have been ready to wean, or so I thought. As the days pass, the tears keep falling. It could be pregnancy hormones, or it's the simple fact that I miss "MY" time with Jacob. When he nursed, it was just him and I and it was our time to bond and snuggle. Every time I think about my little guy turning 2 in 6 months it makes me so sad. He's not my baby anymore. It has been harder on me than him to wean. He still tries to tug at my shirt and wants the comfort of the boob when he's sleepy or upset but I have to remind him that Jacob is a big boy now, not a baby and Mommy has a baby in her belly that needs the milk so he's going to have to drink his big boy juice (cow's milk or Crystal Light). He gets it and understands but is also acting out a bit. I just have to make sure that I am giving Jacob my all and make sure that I make up for the comfort and security of nursing with regular everyday play.
It's so hard to imagine having another child. I am so excited and feel so blessed to have been able to have one child let alone two, but I am hoping that Jacob will adapt and adjust in a good way. There are big things going on in the Estrela household.....Jacob is weaned, working on getting him to go to sleep on his own, buying a house, and having another baby. I don't think we know how to ease in to things, we just jump in body first.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's time

With baby #2 on the way it's time to make some big transitions for Jacob. So far I am still breastfeeding and still rocking him to sleep..........basically. I can't imagine breastfeeding and being pregnant or rocking one child to sleep, then the next. I would like for Daddy to be able to put him to bed and that would be a lot easier if I'm not breastfeeding. Jacob is only breastfeeding for nap time and bed time and so far I have been able to cut his breastfeeding down drastically. He has only nursed twice in two days. We are also on day 3 of putting him in his crib and letting him semi cry himself to sleep. I just need to keep telling myself that he's not in pain and that he is learning a life lesson of self soothing. He's a big boy now so I've been telling him that "Mama has a baby in her belly and that Jacob is a big boy now and doesn't need milk". I think he's getting it but I think I really miss the comfort and bonding time we spend when we nurse. I am trying to keep him busy and snuggle and comfort him without the breast. I have some nervousness that Jacob is going to have a hard time with the new baby. I want him to feel like he's still our big boy and we don't love him any less just because there's a new baby in the house. I know people do it everyday but I am still a little concerned for my big boy.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

We have a night of success..........

As I have previously posted I had a HUGE HUGE problem with the CIO Method. I felt it was torture and I would never ever put my son through that again. I have been sooooo tired lately that when Jacob cries in the middle of the night, I will get up the first time, nurse, and put him back to bed but from then on I let him cry. I have the baby monitor on and as any Mommy knows what cries mean business, I sleep with one ear open and listen to see which way it will go. So for about a week now we have done the first feeding and then let him cry the rest of the times he wakes up. Don't get me wrong, not the bad cry but the whiny kind. So tonight I was nursing Jacob for nigh nigh time and he just was not in to going to bed. I laid him in his crib as usual to let him put himself to sleep and all he wanted to do was play with his monkey that goes nigh nigh with him. I was building with frustration because I am SUPER sleepy so I thought it might be a good night to try and leave the room before he falls asleep. He cried for a few minutes then stopped; a few minutes passed and he cried again for a few minutes, then stopped. This went on for about 10 minutes and then all was silent. Jay and I went in to check on him and there he was peacefully sleeping on his back with his monkeys butt on his face. Super cute and sleeping peacefully. So lets see if we can keep this up. Next step is the weaning process. He is at the stage now where he will tug on my shirt and bra when he's hungry and wants to nurse and there is no telling him no. He's very persistent. Let's hope that will be a smooth transition. I know it won't be easy for either of us. We enjoy our Mommy and Jacob time but I am looking forward to when Daddy can put him to bed.